What is the cost of making casual financial decisions which are inconsistent with our biggest goals in life?
Financial Goals
Debt: Self-Imposed Slavery
Perhaps the most severe cost of going into debt is the resulting loss of freedom. However, no matter how poor our spending decisions may have been in the past, we all have the power to change.
How to Channel Cash Flow To Reach Your Financial Goals
Do you ever feel like money escapes your wallet way too easily? How can you make sure you have enough for the things that matter most before it’s gone?
How to Start Saving for Retirement (or Any Financial Goal)
What is the best way to start saving for retirement? How do you find a comfortable balance between saving for the future while still living comfortably now?
Is Money Good or Bad?
Is money really the root of all evil or can it be good in the right hands?
Interdependent Financial Decisions
Each category of our finances is interdependent, not independent of one another. This means that every decision we make in one category really does impact the other categories, whether or not we realize it.