Does Your Business Bring You Joy?

Does Your Business Bring You Joy?

During this holiday season, instead of simply sending you the usual “joy and prosperity” wishes, I challenge you to reflect: How much joy does your business bring you and your family right now?

Have you noticed that the holidays tend to help us clarify our perspective on life? Spending less time at the office and more time with family and friends reminds us of what is most important.

Feel More Joy Now

One of life’s main purposes is to feel joy now—not just in the hereafter. Yes, we need to work hard to provide for ourselves and our families and to make a meaningful contribution to society. But if your daily grind deadens your ability to regularly feel joy, it might be time for a change.

Most business owners I’ve worked with have enjoyed the challenge of growing and running a successful business up to a certain point. Often, the things we work hardest at bring us the most satisfaction.

But many eventually reach a point where it’s not as exciting as it used to be. They lose the drive they once had, realize that no one lives forever, and start to worry they might never get around to doing the things they’ve always wanted to do.

What have you been putting off because you didn’t feel like you had the time or resources? What have you always wanted to learn? Where have you always wanted to go? What’s keeping you from doing those things now?

The Two Main Hurdles

In my experience, two main hurdles typically keep us from spending less time at work and more time on what we are most passionate about. The first is the fear of not having enough money. If you spend less time at work or sell your business, will you have enough money to do everything you’ve always wanted to do without having to find another less-desirable job later?

The other hurdle is the fear of being bored or irrelevant. If you’re not involved in the day-to-day issues of your business or if you quit working altogether, what will your new identity and purpose be? How will you spend your time? Will anyone seek and respect your guidance?

How We Can Help

At Capstone Capital Wealth Advisors, we have powerful tools to help you gain clarity about what you want most, confidence that you can achieve your goals, and contentment that you’ve made a meaningful difference. We can help you find the balance between having enough money for the rest of your life and enjoying life now.

This holiday season, find some quiet time to yourself and write down all the things you love about your current business and what is driving you crazy. If you could wave a magic wand, how would you prefer to spend most of your time at work and away from work? What’s keeping you from doing those things?

I’d love to hear what you learned about yourself through this exercise. My team and I would be happy to explore how we might be able to help you find greater joy now.

Yes, we really do wish you a joyous and prosperous holiday, but more importantly, we wish you a joyous and prosperous life. That won’t happen automatically—let us help you make it a reality!


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